Recently Upendra Rao’s name has come out on the internet and it has been making the rounds on the internet due to its recent addresses. Upendra Rao is an Indian actor, and film director who works in Kannada films. It is reported that Upendra addresses the UI vs Max clash. Since the news has come out on the internet uncounted reactions started hitting the headlines. This news has left several questions in the public mind. Now they are curious to know about what the actor Upendra addresses in the upcoming movie clash. We have more information about the news and we will share it with you in this article.
Key Highlights
- Upendra Rao is an Indian actor, film director, film producer, and screenwriter.
- The actor is grabbing massive attention due to his recent statement.
- The actor said two good Kannada films are releasing
Upendra Rao is a multitalented person who is all set to entertain his fans with the upcoming film UI. UI is an upcoming Indian Kannada-language dystopian science fiction action movie. This film has been directed and written by Upendra. Box office clashes of big-ticket movies are not a new thing, but when Real Star Upendra Rao’s film UI was declared as a 20 December release much earlier, the assumption was that he’d be given a clear window, as far as other Kannada release go. He and his whole team, had, after all, permitted other movies to take updates they had in mind and did not attempt to clash with any. Scroll down to the next page for more details regarding the film.
Then news came that talented actor Kiccha Sudeep’s film Max is going to be released on the big screen 5 days after UI. Max is set to be released on 25 December 2024. The film which was delayed, could have been released on a late date, but for causes best known to him, producer Kalaippuli S Thanu zeroed in on December 25. What does Upendra think of this clash? The actor Upendra stated “There is a record of 2 big movies releasing at the same time and both doing well. More recently, Bheema and Krishnam Pranaya Sakhi came out in quick line and both were well obtained. There is no war between UI and Max; there is no margin for such negativity. Sudeep’s film is releasing a good 5 days later, and my humble appeal is that viewers should watch both films.” Keep reading.
The actor-director also says that talks of a clash have come up because of the option of a release date with individuals speculating that it was done deliberately. The actor said “On the stubborn, if they had not released this year, these same individuals would have said that the team fears threatening a conflict. I’d say that individuals ought to see it as a cheerful effect – that two good Kannada films are coming to theatres; go and watch both.” You are on the right page for more details about the film.
As far as we know, at the end of the day, what matters is whether people like your film. If they do, they will assist your movie grow organically. On the other side, if it does not work for them, it does not matter if you have 1,000 screens at your disposal, reasoned the Real Star, who has been busy promoting the forthcoming movie, even while continuing to maintain it under wraps. Let’s see which movie will be hit on the box office. Here we have shared all the details that we had. Stay tuned to us for more updates.